Art of Clarity

Accessibility design

Plain language writing principles and accessible design go hand in hand. From font size, to bulleted lists, to colour contrast and more, writers and designers work in in harmony to craft readable content in a format that all readers can use and understand.

We are committed to crafting messages that are effortlessly comprehensible, ensuring content is approachable for a diverse audience spectrum.

Do you work with a screen reader?  Do you have dexterity issues using a mouse or pointer device?
Do you have colour blindness or have trouble distinguishing the text from the background colour?

That’s what accessible design is all about. Including all readers in whatever format you deliver your message, video, audio, website, blogs, instructions and so on. Let us help you ensure that your website design aligns to the WCAG (Web Consortium Accessible Guidelines) and your caption designs support your video and audio projects.